Ocean Exploration

Part of my work involves piloting deep-sea uncrewed submersibles, or Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). I have experience with piloting and maintaining two-body work-class ROVs including E/V Nautilus’s Hercules and Argus ROVs, as well as observation-class ROVs manufactured by Blue Robotics, Teledyne, and Saab. I also have limited experience with free-flying work-class ROV systems.

In the course of my seagoing work I have been fortunate to work in oceans around the world, from the Great Barrier Reef to the Arctic Ocean, the Hawaiian Islands, and off the coasts of California and Mexico.

Highlight reel from the 2019 Nautilus Expedition Season.

Seamount in the Kiribati EEZ in the South Pacific Ocean. During a transit from Hawaiʻi to Fiji aboard R/V Falkor we mapped the ocean floor at high resolution with multibeam echosounders, and I processed this data in Qimera and Fledermaus to create this rendering.




Conservation Tech